Monday, July 23, 2007

Coming to you from Indianapolis, Indiana, for the 1st time!

July 23, 2007

My last post was from Chantilly, VA, to announce the arrival of our baby boy, Eli.

A lot has happened since then.

I write now from Indianapolis, IN, our new home! After 3.5 years of ministry and fellowship with the Fairfax Church of Christ in northern VA, God called us to work with the North Central congregation here in Indy. is the church’s website.

We are getting settled into our new house in Carmel, the suburb just north of Indy. We’ve got almost all of the boxes unpacked, and we’re almost ready to start hanging pictures/artwork, etc. on the walls.

Eli is now 6 weeks old, and cuter than ever. I’ve been teasing him lately about filling out a bit. He’s gaining weight nicely (8 lbs when he was born, so not a concern, just an observation). He loves being held, and is really starting to smile & react a lot. He’s fighting a nasty cold presently, and I hate to hear him cough. The doc says it’s normal and will go away eventually.

Faith is totally healthy & doing great. She seems to get more beautiful every day. I love her so much, and am so crazy about her. She said 'Eli" this morning and is adding more words to her vocabulary every day. (outside, inside, etc.) She sleeps in her “big girl” bed…a twin bed that Jaime’s aunt is loaning us. She only cried a little bit at the new arrangement, and has apparently already adjusted to it.

I am eager to get back to more regular posts about my thoughts/lessons learned/reflections on worship…the best pastime on earth. For now, let me just say how thankful I am to be here in IN, serving alongside the people of the North Central church. (Even though we miss our church family in Fairfax dearly!)

In my next post, I'll share a thought I had spurred on from David’s sermon yesterday on John 3 about Nicodemus & the woman at the well & worship…