Monday, September 10, 2007

New insights

Thanks for a great Bible study yesterday morning, Russ! Jaime & I attended the Matthew class yesterday morning, and it was really good, helpful, insightful, encouraging, crowded, and all the things you want a class to be.

Here are just 2 quick insights I gained...

The wise men coming to visit baby Jesus when he was born...I've always thought, how cool, rich foreigners coming to see Jesus, with the little drummer boy in the background ;) It just seemed like a neat story, quaint and a nice rounding out of the nativity scene.


if you stop & reflect on would be like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Donald Trump traveling to the tip of south America to BOW DOWN And worship a little baby boy born in a hut in a remote village. They would each present him with a million dollar gift and then travel back, completely ignoring the false pretenses of a request from President Bush to tell him where to find the baby.

When you stop & think about it, that is awesome. Everything about Jesus is awesome, to say the least, but even the cute little birth story is filled with mystery and wealth and poverty and prestige and humility and world leaders, etc.

I also just realized this morning after further reflection that those gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, were very helpful to Mary & Joseph to PROVIDE for that little baby on all of their travels and relocations. (They moved 3 times it seems before settling down.)

God is awesome, and His Word has so many levels. As Russ said, the longer you live, the more you learn...and at different stages of your life, you see/learn/observe different things in Scripture.

Have a great week in the Word, blogfriends.

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