Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Other forms of transportation

I rode my bike to work today!  Take THAT all of you wealthy oil company executives, George W. Bush, and most of Saudi Arabia!  How does THAT feel?  We're learning to live without you and your silly oil.

Ok, I exaggerate, but you get my point.  We live 8.4 miles north of the church building in Carmel.  We are close to the Monon, so I hopped on just below where the Monon ends at 146th. UNfortunately there are 2 construction detours right now on the trail, which added significant time/a couple of miles to my commute.  

I'm no Lance Armstrong, mind you.  Man, my seat is not comfortable at all!  And I couldn't stop for coffee, because how could I hold it?  But the weather was perfect this morning, sunny and cool...absolutely beautiful.  And the Monon trail is really beautiful...lots of trees are in bloom.  It was a great alternative to driving, except that it took me 50 minutes instead of 15 minutes, and now, unlike the blooming trees,  I smell awful and we have NO showers here at the building.  

All in all, it was a great start to my day.  

Speaking of other forms of transportation, I just got a bid from a local fireman who does off duty handman work.  He gave me a bid to repair the neighbor's chain link fence which was damaged by one of our huge hackberry trees that was downed in the May 30th storm.  What was he driving?  A 1989 shiny red Porche Carrera.  

Do not covet.  Do not envy.  Do not covet.  Oh, forget it.  

He said he was preparing to sell it to upgrade to a newer, bigger model.  I'm thinking, man, I should have been a fireman with a job on the side!  ;)  I said I would buy it if he would take $500 for it.  :)   He said the going price was $20,000....

"This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through, my treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue..."  


Murray Sanderson said...

To clarify, I don't mean to "forget" those two of the 10 commandments. I just mean it's a struggle when you've got a shiny red Porsche sitting 10 feet away from you. Chanting the commands doesn't really do much.
AND...I WALKED to lunch today, a further reduction of oil usage. I'm so proud!
Going green,

Jerri said...

I agree with you about walking/cycling--I WISH I could run. Conner and I have been going green--I take him out in his jogging stroller on good days. We walked 2.5 miles to a shopping center, went to Caribou coffee and Safeway (I forgot diapers...) and then walked back. I couldn't believe that we paid $50 to fill up my little Elantra station wagon a couple of days ago! I think the answer is for all of us Americans to stop consuming so much of everything, including oil, and go green by exercising ourselves and our kiddos (and grandkiddos). :)
PS Isn't Indianpolis the home of the Indianapolis 500? Maybe you guys should green it down to the Indianapolis 50. :)