Thursday, August 23, 2007

This Weekend

Keep praying for Baby Bennett...

I'm looking forward to Sunday...I think the entire song line-up is solid, but there are 2 songs I'm particularly excited about:
We Delight
Beautiful One

We're singing the Zoe arrangements on both songs Wow, am I ever thankful for their resourceful ministry.

At rehearsal last night, the team sounded great on these...tons of energy, excitement, and just plain ole good singin'.

Of course, we're also singing the classic "Be Thou My Vision"... undoubtedly one of my favorite hymns. Great musical movement, great harmonies (hard to find a good arrangement though...we're using a Hallal arrangement with some added verses), and superb prayerful lyrics.

Thanks to God for all of the rain earlier this week...I'll be mowing this weekend which I always enjoy. Really I do. Especially now that I have a riding lawnmower, I'm beyond cool.

Ok, that's all the non-important forgettable stuff I can think of...have a great weekend everyone!

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