Monday, January 08, 2007

To Keep the Way of the Lord

Like most people, I struggle with finding WHAT to read in my daily Bible reading. most people, I find myself recommitting here at the first of the year to have a meaningful daily time with the Lord, before the day's demands kick in...

I would love it if you would share what's been helpful for you. Here's what's been helpful for me...

I am reading the One Year Bible again (when I first did this back in 1989, I thought it was something I would do one year, and then not repeat it for some silly reason. I haven't used it for daily readings for many years...I've just tried to work through a gospel or Genesis or the Psalms or whatever on a daily basis, always finding it a challenge to keep my momentum up...)

Well, it's available online now, which I at first thought was too cultural/too media-driven. But alas...I gave it a try... is a very tech savvy way of doing it, and for whatever reason, reading online has been extremely fresh & new for me this time. Like today's reading, where God instructs Abraham to teach his children to "keep the way of the Lord". It's just a unique way of saying "bring them up right". I think with a lot of things, now that I have little Faithy in my life, I'm seeing scripture through new eyes. Lord willing, by His grace & strength, Jaime & I will teach her to keep the way of the Lord in all things.

As an aside, let me publicly say thank you to Dave & Melinda G for their incredible teaching last night at small group. They were our guest teachers, and both of them said things that were true epiphanies for me and for Jaime. Once again, the value of the body of Christ for spiritual growth & transformation is beautifully obvious.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

that's a great find murray! i will be checking it out and putting a link to it on my blog so i can keep up with a daily reading as well. thanks! miss you guys!