Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tomorrow is Sunday!

I love Saturdays...Faith & I spent the afternoon together while Jaime went to a scrapbook crop session. Faith's been a sleep for about 2 hours now, so that's been wonderful, in a tired parent sort of way.

Tomorrow is Sunday.

What are you going to wear?
What's for breakfast that will ensure you have energy to speak, sing, listen, encourage, fellowship, lift others burdens?
With what attitude will you come to church?
How will you approach the throne of grace in worship?
What will you bring to God as an offering...time...talent...treasure?
What are you expecting from a half-hour message in His Word?
Are you praying for the spiritual success of our corporate assembly?
Are you praying that God will speak in a mighty way through Bruce, so that we are all changed and matured in the study?
Are you praying for your Bible class teacher, that the Word might truly go out and not return void?
Did you check the worship order on the website to see what songs we are singing? (Ok, that would be truly the 2nd mile if any of you have done but it is a good idea to do that weekly).

COME with an EXPECTANT HEART! See you then.


Murray Sanderson said...

Did you notice I didn't mention the Super Bowl? That will be fun, and I'm looking forward to our small group's study/party (emphasis on the party), but worship tomorrow morning is 1st on the priority list.

kathy said...

What am I thinking as I prepare to worship God I look forward to givng and receiving encouragement to continue to put our trust in the Lord and to walk boldly in the light...I cannot stop thinking that I found out yesterday I am going to be a grandmother for the first time...I feel amazed and in awe of God's ability to create life and I feel joyful that I have lived to see and hear and know it! My grandbaby looks like a little kideny bean...but I love him already!

kathy said...

friends....I can spell...I guess I am too excited to type...kidney bean...he is just a tiny elongated oval...but he has kidneys and he is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We can't wait to see and hold him....